Our President Halil Avcı, who is a Health Volunteer, has built Imamoğlu Halil Avcı Health Care Center (İmamoğlu Halil Avcı Sağlık Merkezi) as a donation to İmamoğlu County of Adana. Moreover, as our country started to implement the Family Health Care practice, the Imamoğlu Halil Avcı Health Care Center (İmamoğlu Halil Avcı Sağlık Merkezi) has officially been put into service, on 21 May 2008, as “Halil Avcı Family Health Care Center and Community Health Care Center” (“Halil Avcı Aile Sağlığı Merkezi ve Toplum Sağlığı Merkezi”). This particular health center has two floors with 850 square meters of indoor area that provides services for surrounding villages and counties.
Social Responsibilities
As Halil Avcı Group of Companies, which is a reliable and a responsible company, we have determined our key responsibilities such as protecting health and safety of our personnel, protecting the environment, being a commercial employer within the codes of ethics, providing employment, and leading and contributing into the working region’s economy.

In 1997, Çukurova University Halil Avcı Hearing Disability Center (Ç.Ü. Halil Avcı Duyma Engelliler Merkezi Müdürlüğü) has been built by Halil Avcı as a donation to Çukurova University in order to provide individualized-group and parenting training for children with hard of hearing and that are speech handicapped. The children in this Center are both rehabilitated and trained.
Bosnian Salih Efendi Mansion, known as Adana's 4000-year history dating back to today’s heritage of Tepebag, was a neglected ruin until our president Halil Avcı purchased and renovated it. Hence, an important historical building in the culture of Adana city was brought to life again and prevented from being demolished.

Our company is aware of its social responsibilities and it functions in the mindset of exploiting what our country has earned to us as an opportunity and using it back in order to serve our country better.

Halil Avcı Group of Companies, with the conscious of social responsibility, took care of the
maintenance, repairment and renovation of the Adana Foundation for the Education and Protection
of the Mental Disabled Children (Adana Zihinsel Engelli Çocukları Yetiştirme ve Koruma Vakfı (ZİÇEV))’s
Besides this, the company has also transformed an area that is located in the Foundation’s building into a sports area.
The Foundation managers and the Board of Director came to visit our president Halil Avcı in order to give his plaque for their appreciation on his volunteering work.
Turkmen painters Recep such as Muhammedov, Ogulsaray Akmiradova, Ayna Nuriyeva and Muhammed Babayev came to Adana with the invitation of our President Halil Avcı; and expressed our beautiful Adana in 66 of their oil paintings. The talented painters have spent 6 months in order to complete their artifacts that were firstly exhibited in Turkmenistan, and then in Adana. Their work of art takes place at the Halil Avcı Special Collection.